"Day of Dance Preview" Dublin, Ireland
What better way to celebrate one's birthday than to be in another county surrounded by beautiful culture to reign in ones's 21 years on earth. My classmates have wished me happy birthday left and right on the group's whatapp. All I can do is smile sheepishly because they are making my speical day even brighter. Loved ones from back home are sending me birthday greetings as well, so I could not heko but feel like I was on cloud 9. Unfortunately, something happened with booking the tickets for the day of Dance sneak preview that only a couple of us were able to attend.
Let me tell you... it was simply AMAZING! The first piece titled "Nascanna" was performed by Liam Scanlon, a traditional Irish dancer, and a violnoist by the name of Aine McGeeny. He'd dance shanese and she'd follow with an upbeat tune simultaneously. It felt like energy was being exhanged the two while them perform. As he'd increase the tempo of his steps, the violin's rhythm would dance to the fast movement of her fingertips. THe true meaning of the piece was to showcase how the relatinship between dance and music can be blended.
However, my favorite piece was “Sink or Swim” by Monica Mun made me feel a mixture of different emotions as I interpreted her movements. I felt a sense of entrapment as she forced her body to perform the same women poses in vogue magazines. She felt and looked unhappy not having the freedom to choose to be who she was. Often women’s bodies are over sexualized without much portrayal of their personality. Age was played up and down revealing how society views it both good and bad. Bad because people fear the thought of being forgotten and knowing what life is after death. The dance piece made me realize how stressful it is keeping up with the ideologies of society that leads to conformity. Diversity gives us freedom to choose how we want to live our lives based on our own thoughts/feelings.
Before heading back to Belfast with Serdjine, we'd visit the Leperhuan visit. Trust be there was none there waiting for us, but it was nice hearing the mythic history. Though a little tired from the 3 hour bus ride back to Belfast, we would stop at a nice authentic Chinese resturant for me to celebrate my birthday some more before heading home together to binge watch scary movies until dawn. Tomorrow would be visting the museum, going shopping at the mall for souvenirs and out to dinner at this little pub resturant. I can just taste the mac & cheese balls.....

"Birthday Breakfast Brunch"

Serdjine taking off guard pics as loved ones message me birthday wishes

The best burger and chips ever. Pretty cool that in Ireland french fries are called "Chips"

Birthday Ice cream sunday cake:)

Serdjine;s beautiful smile
Lee Garden Belfast, Ireland (Botanic Ave)

Chinese fried rice and weet & sour chicken

Lee Garden Belfast, Ireland (Botanic Ave)