"Free Write Poems"
This morning Jenny did an exercise that involved reading a poem by George Ella Lyon titled “Where I’m from”. She then encouraged us to write one of our very own and I could share with the class. It was not until today that I realized my joy for writing poems and would like to spend more time writing more to relax. Master Poet Olive Broderick was simply amazing too with her personal exercise of having us write about color poetically.
"My I Am From Poem"
“I am from… the sunny land where the ocean breeze wafts through the air and its mist forms small
puddles on my skin.
I am from… the land where blaring music matches the rhythmic tempo of my heart beat trying to keep
up with the bustle of city life.
I am from… the land of yellow-green palm trees blowing in the distance. One in the states and across
the Caribbean Sea.
I am from… both lands. Timeless in beauty, yet changing as the culture booms. Booming like the sound
of a volcano that never truly ends, you meet people from different lands.
You might feel nervous sharing where you’re from, but just know that others want to hear about all the
lovely things where you’re from.”
Color Poem (The One You Love)
It's color reminds you of the great trumpet's whistling.
Strong and fierce like a warrior,
it never truly waivers.
Bright as the sun & deep like the moon,
its color have others swoon.
It's smell reminds you of sweet berries on a summer's day
as the sun catches its charming gaze.
Taking in its sweet scent,
you become lost from within.
It is soft like the dew on a leaf
at every crease.
Yet rough in texture too,
with each passing grief.
Through it all, it retains its luster.
The envy of others, who stand in wonder.
It's taste is like a velvet cupcake,
rich and soft.
Intricate like a puzzling maze.
One bite brings loving joy,
the more your senses imploy.
It makes you feel like a cold breeze
drifting through the air.
You feel both light and peace,
with each sigh of relief.
You will find me in the highest castle,
or even in grandma lovely garden.
Be inspired to feel amazed,
as you watch its color change in the sun's glowing blaze.
The lavish Purple.
Color Poem (The One You Hate)
It's color reminds you of the despair one feels at a funeral.
Shrills of whimpering matching the sound of thunder.
A bleakness that has settled with each sound of misery.
It smells like disastrous soup,
bland and stagnant.
With each whiff,
your insides begin to twirl.
Mushy like the snow up North and cold like the rain,
you wish it would go with a single wave.
It tastes like under-cooked chicken
that makes yours taste buds grieve.
Please oh please!
It makes you feel desolate like the aftermath of an earthquake,
no energy or life.
You will find me on the most dreary days,
wafting all around you in your bitter gaze.
I am the color GREY.